Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Classroom Blogging

I have viewed others blogs and have found some to be very interesting and some actually along the same thought process of my own. It is very interesting seeing all of the different view points that are expressed on the various different topics. First I thought that having everyone blog about the same thing would have a lot of the same thoughts which some are but there are many different interpretations of things.

I had heard of blogging prior to this class, but I did not really know what it was all about. I have found that blogging can be used for many different things. Blogging is a tool that can be used for business as well as personal uses.

I think that blogging in class is effective, but being that I am a P.E. major I do not know if I will be able to incorporate that into what I do. With that said technology is an amazing thing and the world is always changing so who knows. Trying to come up with ways to incorporate blogging as a P.E. teacher could be a challenge of mine maybe I will take this on.

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