Google Documents The only that I had ever even used google for was to search for things. I did not even know that google documents existed, and certainly not all of the other other things along with it. I am glad that I learned these things, and I will probably use them in the future.
Blogging As I stated in a prior blog I had heard of blogging, but I really did not know what it was. I really liked the blogging topics that we had I learned a lot and it also made me think.
Presentations I had fun doing my presentation and it was also pretty neat learning about my classmates and their interest. That was definitely an aspect of google that I had no idea about.
ALEX I think that this a really good program for teachers and students and I will support it in any way that I can.
Podcast This is definitely something that I had seen, but did not understand. Not only did I have the chance to listen to them, but actually doing one was pretty cool.
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